Amazon parrots are parrots native to the Amazonian region of South America. They’re mostly green feathered and can come in a diversity of additional vibrant colors. These social birds are also known to work well in pairs, groups or on their own. Amazons feed primarily on nuts, seeds and fruits but will rarely dig up some soil for that little bit of extra greenery– because they don’t have any problem eating leaves either!
It’s unfortunate that many of the Amazon parrots are threatened or endangered. It might be hard to believe but they’re being killed because they’re so beautiful. There are large numbers of them in captivity and the ones that aren’t should be protected in their natural tropical rainforest homes where they belong, rather than being shipped off to foreign countries like the United States.
There isn’t enough research to say exactly which kinds of Amazon parrot species should be kept as pets even though they look endearing and come in a variety of colors.;
Top Amazon Parrots To Keep As Pet
Lets discuss in detail, different types of Amazon Parrots with their basic introduction
- Orange-Winged Amazon Parrot
- Red-Lored Amazon Parrot
- Green-Cheeked Amazon Parrot
- Yellow-Crowned Amazon Parrot
- Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot
- Yellow-Billed Amazon Parrot
- Double Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot
- Panama Amazon Parrot
- Red Spectacled Amazon Parrot
- White Fronted Amazon Parrot
- Mealy Amazon Parrot
- Lilac-Crowned Amazon Parrot
- Black-Billed Amazon Parrot
- Lilacine Amazon Parrot
- Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot
Orange-Winged Amazon Parrot
Affectionate companions that often are more calm and gentle than other species of parrots, Orange-Winged Amazon parrots make excellent pets. However, because the males can be aggressive with each other when they begin to exhibit mating behaviors, sometimes biting or hitting may seem common.
Basic Profile
The Orange-winged Amazon is a bird of medium length, weighing about 340g (12oz). It is mostly green in color varying slightly between individuals. There is a blue and yellow strip of feathers on the head which may either be present or absent. The upper mandible is partly horn colored and partly dark gray. It has orange feathers in the wings and tail which can be seen in flight. Males and females are identical externally.
Diet Plan
On the subject of the orange-winged amazons, they are a noisy species of bird known for its high-pitched screams. They love to eat berries and fruit from a variety of sources (not just one specific orchard etc) making them very healthy as well as giving humans plenty of enjoyment when viewing their colorful plumage. Living communally in palm trees and flighting in flocks of various sizes, these tropical birds can be found regardless of whether it is night or day – which is amazing!
Breeding Theme
The orange-winged amazon tends to nest in tree cavities. The eggs tend to be white and there are usually three or four in a clutch. The female incubates the eggs for about 26 days until they hatch.
Red-Lored Amazon Parrot
Although they’re a gregarious species, similar to many of the other Amazon parrot species and an attractive shade of green, the Red-Lored Amazon is distinguishable by its bright red forehead, positioned directly above its beak. It’s also one of the most popular types of Amazon parrots to keep as a pet.
The Red-Lored Amazons’ diet consists of fruits, nuts and seeds. All parrots need a varied diet consisting of pellets, a high quality seed mix, and daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables that are bird-safe.
The red-lored amazon usually nests in tree cavities. Eggs are somewhat white and there are usually 3 or 4 in a clutch. The female incubates the eggs for about 26 days and the young can tend to leave the nest roughly 60 days after hatching.
Keep As Pet
If you are looking for a family bird to add to your brood in order to get the whole brood talking (and it is quite bonding for these birds to have people of all ages around), this species might be for you. Don’t skip out on training, because if you do then they can get unruly and set up shop in the middle of the kitchen table! But once properly trained, this parrot is sweet-natured and enjoys being among different family members. Mind you: it will bond with just one person, so make sure your kids take turns sitting on its perch at least once every few days.
Green-Cheeked Amazon Parrot
The red-crowned amazon parrot is characterized by a generally green appearance with a main color of yellow, an orange beak and yellow feet. They often have splashes of gray on their wings, tail feathers and reproductive organs. They also possess long pointed tails, round heads and conical beaks. Their eyes are black in color until maturity which occurs between 4 to 7 years of age.
Best In Talking Amazon Parrots
If you’re looking for a talking parrot, the Green-Cheeked Amazon is one of the better speakers of the bird world. This particular species can live up to 70 years with proper care, so getting one is a lifetime investment. It’s one of the few parrots that have flocks in the United States, though its numbers in the wild are declining rapidly and only around 10 000 remain.
Green-cheeked amazon parrots reach sexual maturity around the age of five and average about four eggs per clutch. It takes approximately 28 days for the female to incubate her eggs, which represent the first step in starting a new family full of potential!
Yellow-Crowned Amazon Parrot
There are parrots in the Amazon rainforest named for their physical features, such as the golden plume atop the head of the Yellow-Crowned Amazon [] parrot. This particular species is medium-sized, growing to about 15 inches in length. What’s most impressive about them is their incredibly long lifespan which can exceed 80 years! The chances are good that if you own a yellow crowned parrot, it will outlive you and likely many generations of your family after that.
Parrots are normally found in pairs or small flocks up to 30, but groups often gather at clay licks. Their diet includes fruits, nuts, seeds and berries. In order to avoid health problems arising from foods with sugar and large amounts of salt they are best fed custom-made vegetarian food such as a commercial diet or foods specially made for them by owners making their own recipes.
Parrot food often includes fruit, greens and berries and their diets are rarely see sugary foods. Too much sugar is bad for them.
The nest of the bird is located in a hollow in a tree, palm or termitaries, where they lay two to three eggs. In regards to incubation periods, this time span can vary from 25-30 days depending on what species of bird. The chicks leave the nest about 50-60 days from hatching.
With their ability to learn speech quickly and the sheer amount of words they are able to recall, Yellow-Crowned Amazons make for exceptional propensities. These birds work well when trained on verbal cues ensuring they know what it is they need to say and can repeat complex sentences quite easily. However, don’t let them get bored with you because you won’t have any peace! If that happens it can be quite loud!
Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot
The Yellow-Naped Amazon parrot is one of the most popular pet birds in the world. It has a defined physical characteristic and that would be the distinctive yellow color ******* its nape (backside of it’s neck). The rest of this parrot’s body is bright green – feathers, wings, head and legs.
A typical yellow-naped Amazon parrots is commonly used within households. Their social & outgoing nature makes them great pets, making them quite a popular choice. They enjoy exploring & talking, and thus love interacting with their humans. What makes them unique is their appetite for new challenges. They always love to explore and learn new things. This attribute makes the yellow-naped Amazon parrot one of the most intelligent species currently existing!
The yellow-naped amazon is also known as the yellow nape parrot. It can easily be distinguished from other members of this bird species because of its green crown and forehead, bright yellow stripe running across the back of the neck and a grayish-orange beak. The eyes are orange in color too, whereas the feet have a darker shade of gray.
In Captivity Nesting
Yellow-naped amazons need a steady routine that they can count on but they also need few opportunities to interact with humans. They tend to be gentle and affectionate with people once they’ve grown used to them, however any species of bird coming from the wild really shouldn’t be surprised by too many loud noises or quick movements because it may scare them away or lead to anxiety.
Therefore when engaging in any sort of interaction you should proceed carefully in order not to frighten your little friend more than necessary. When given enough access to a cage full of toys, Green Cheeked Amazons may show an interest in chewing on certain items so make sure you provide them with safe and non-toxic bird toys for them to give their teeth a rest!
The easy thing about Amazon parrots is that being cavity nesters in the wild, most have a natural tendency towards chewing things from wood (engaging their beaks) so giving them plenty of wooden toys should keep them busy for hours on end!
Yellow-Billed Amazon Parrot
Some of the best-known parrot species come in small varieties, such as the Yellow-Billed Amazon (Amazona collaria), among the smallest of all. The males have a bright yellow beak, while females’ is more orange; otherwise there are no visual differences between them.
At just 11 inches in length the Yellow-Billed Amazon parrot is one of the smaller species of Amazon. However it’s quite chubby for a bird and has a bright yellow beak with white foreheads. Their faces are speckled blue. There is no difference in appearance between males and females.
Your Yellow-Billed Amazon will generally live between 30 and 40 years. They are incredibly active and require much flying time in order to maintain a healthy weight, so you need to make sure that there is enough space for your bird to fly around freely.
The yellow-billed amazon averages 28 cm (11 in) long. Its plumage is mainly green with pink over the throat, upper breast and sides of neck, and blue in the larger wing feathers. Feathers over the ears are dark blue-green. The eyes have a white rim surround them. The head also has a narrow band of white plumage that acts as a connecting bridge to the yellow beak, which also has light-yellow coloration around it.
Threatened Specie
The yellow-billed amazon is classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) partly because their population has been found to be fragmented. Because they are a protected species CITES has put forth regulations against the trade and export of this bird which makes it illegal and can carry a penalty if somehow you have been caught doing so. Needless-to-say, since they’re at risk, it’s best not to alter their populations any further by providing them support but rather, pull out your resources altogether and let them prosper in their natural habitat!
Double Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot
The Double Yellow-Headed, or Red-Crowned, Amazon parrot is a medium sized bird whose personality far surpasses the norm! This vocal and intense creature talks all the time, even letting out some random songs while they awkwardly glide across the floor causing you to fall off your chair with laughter. This playful and funny bird can even communicate in a way you wouldn’t expect which makes it unique among other parrots – but watch out! They may just talk so much that you get sick of their constant banter
Colors and Markings
The Yellow-Headed Amazon (Amazona ochrocephala) is a green bird that has a yellow head. The rest of its body is green. There is an area with white around the eyes, and the beak is a reddish-brown color. Young birds have some dark gray on their heads, but this eventually makes way for a brighter yellow crown with each molt as they age. In young birds, there are small areas of red on the shoulder that slowly fade into the green color of their backs and the red disappears altogether after about 6 years. The ratio of yellow to green may increase with each passing year.
Toys For Double Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot
The double yellow-headed Amazon is great for energetic children who love to be around and talkative birds that enjoy listening to the marvelous conversations of their human companions. They are also great birds for parents as they don’t have a tendency of making messes compared to other birds that eat food like flies, grass and lizards. Their ability to learn tricks is also one of its best talents which kids would simply love and enjoy a lot!
These characteristics are exactly what most parents want in pet birds that they could let join them at the dinner table or even inside their room where children would enjoy talking with them as much as watching TV, playing with their books or doing homework. For all ages, these majestic creatures would make an excellent addition to your home!
Provide your newly adopted bird with plenty of toys and hacks that can be chewed, such as those made from wood and leather. When the toy has been obliterated, it will reinforce the notion that jobs have been well done! However, provide a challenging toy for your bird or it will most likely be bored; an Amazon parrot will quickly become destructive if it’s not entertained enough.
Make sure you give this bird toys that it can destroy – toys made from wood, leather and acrylic are the ideal choice. It needs to work to achieve what it wants, so destruction should be its goal. If a double yellow-headed Amazon does not have enough toys to destroy, it will look for other things in your house that may interest or distract it, such as furniture and picture frames.
Providing this type of Amazon with destructive toys is integral when taking care of it; if you don’t give them something challenging they’ve outgrown then they will treat whatever is before them at the time as expendable.
Health Issue
Amazon Parrots are generally healthy, long-lived birds but they can contract numerous diseases such as a Polyomavirus that can cause anorexia and weight loss. They may also contract Chlamydiosis which is a bacterial infection that presents in the same way – Fluffed feathers and nasal discharge. Like most birds Amazon Parrots are prone to contracting nutritional deficiencies such as obesity or vitamin A deficiency if they are fed improperly.
Diet and Nutrition For Your Parrot
Amazons eat varying diets in the wild. In captivity, a double yellow-headed Amazon needs a high-quality pelleted diet supplemented with seed mix and seeds of different colors, shapes, and textures as well as fruits from plant sources that are safe – things like apples and bananas. The fresh fruits and vegetables should be things such as dandelions and broccoli. Remember to feed approximately 3/4 cup of amazon food pellets mixed with banana slices and 1/4 cup of fresh food at each meal. And remember: your bird likes colors, so don’t forget to include seeds in neon greens or blues.
Panama Amazon Parrot
The Panama amazon parrot is a bird with a few less common traits than what you would typically expect from Amazon parrots in general. With their friendly nature, they are great pets to play with and talk to, if you choose to do so. Just be sure to scratch their heads and backs often when they’re still young enough!
Adults are approximately 35 centimeters (13.8 in) in length, are bright green with a yellow area on the forehead, and a horn colored (gray) beak. They fluff out their plumage before taking flight, which is another identifying characteristic of the yellow-crowned amazon. The yellow on the crown is more restricted and tends to be triangular compared with the more extensive and rounder distribution of yellow that’s present on the nominate race. There is much variation among individuals in color or plumage when it comes to this subspecies.
The bird known as the yellow-naped Amazon is usually green with a triangle of bright yellow on their forehead and red atop their wings. Panama Amazons however come in different head colors including blue, gray and white, but they are roughly 13 inches in height or smaller on average.
Red Spectacled Amazon Parrot
The Red-spectacled Amazon is a creature of magic. It’s 32 centimeters (13 in) long and green with sparse red spots on the top of its head, which can vary from a little to an extreme amount. It has white eyelashes, red “tattoos” around its eyes, red on the bend of its wings, blue tips at the ends of some feathers on its tail, two wing scales and a yellowish bill. This type of parrot doesn’t have as much red in it’s wings as it would originally appear at first glance.
Threat to Red Spectacled Amazon Parrot
The red-spectacled amazon is a species of parrot found in the forests of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. It can be identified by its yellow body and rose coloured head. Unlike other amazon species it does not live in flocks but is mostly found alone. The wildlife trade has contributed to its decline as it has been captured for trade on several occasions even though it is protected
A red-spectacled amazon is worth his weight in a pound of gold. This tiny parrot is prized by exotic bird collectors for its colorful feathers, mimicry ability, rareness and exotic appeal, but the most prized part of this amazon species is its chick! People often steal chicks from the wild on the West coast of South America where this species breeds, since traffickers can make extra amount per chick!
White Fronted Amazon Parrot
White fronted Amazons have a distinct white patch on the front of their forehead and red shoulder feathers that make them easily distinguishable from other parrots with green shoulders. They’re smaller than most other types of parrot, only 9-10 inches long, but they’re still one of the most abundant types of Amazonians.
One of the smallest amazon parrots is the white-fronted amazon, which averages at about 25 centimeters in length. This species is named for a white patch of feathers on their foreheads because each individual’s amount of white may vary. They have mostly green plumage with some blue coloring on their wings that fans out. They also have bright red coloration around their eyes (which can almost look like spectacles) as well as behind their foreheads’ distinctive white spot.
Region Where White Fronted Amazon Found
The white-fronted amazon breeds in Central America and Mexico, and is most often seen in the Southern U.S. This parrot can be found in small flocks within an area that stretches between northern Mexico to southern Brazil. They prefer to live in tropical rainforests, but they have also been known to inhabit grasslands. In the wild they are not shy, so people will often see them flying around and even hear them chattering as they go about their daily business.
It’s important to know that these birds aren’t only interested in interacting with humans though; some of what they spend their days doing includes finding food amongst trees or making nests made out of wood fiber and leaves. In order to attract mates for example, male birds might “dance” together in large groups with wings flared before mating takes place.
Breeding Season
The white-fronted amazon usually nests in tree cavities. Their breeding season is usually in the spring, and it begins in February and extends as far into the summer as July or August in many areas (though it varies depending on where you live). There’s an average of three or four eggs laid, which are incubated for about 26 days before hatching occurs. At about 60 days from the time they hatch, fledglings leave the nest on their own.
Mealy Amazon Parrot
The southern mealy amazon has a length of about 38–41 cm (15–16 in) and an average weight of 540–700 grams. This bird is among the largest parrots in South America, mainly being surpassed by the large macaws. The southern mealy amazon is mainly green. This shade may appear whitish owing to a thin layer of “meal”; hence its name is Mealy Amazon Parrot. Its back, nape and tail are usually blotchy, giving the impression that it has been coated with flour “from head to tail”. The distal half of its wings are paler than their basal halves, which creates two solid sections between which the two colors meet. When flying this species shows a bluish-black edge on its flight feathers and conspicuous red patches on both scapulars and remiges. Occasionally one may see yellow feathers on top of the head when observing this species up close.
The Parrot Mealy Amazon is a friendly parrot that enjoys spending time with their owners, which makes them a suitable option for many people despite their slightly less domesticated reputation. In the wild, the parrot mealy amazon will often choose to pair up with only one mate throughout its lifespan and in captivity live in communal flocks with other members of its species.
The southern mealy amazon is social and can be found in pairs or in large flocks. They like to play with others, especially with their other feathered friends, including macaws. These birds are usually quiet but they can get loud at dusk and dawn. Captive birds are often known as some of the gentlest and calmest of all the amazons.
Breeding Season
When mealy amazons reach sexual maturity they usually form monogamous relationships with a single partner. Each year courtship usually begins in early spring, and the female will usually lay three or four white eggs in a tree-cavity nest. The female incubates the eggs for about 26 days. The male regurgitates food for the female during the incubation period, and later for the chicks in the nest as well. The chicks leave the nest about 60 days after hatching.
Food and Diet
Food of Mealy Amazon Parrots consist of fruits, seeds, leaf buds, nuts and berries.
Lilac-Crowned Amazon Parrot
Adult lilac-crowned amazon parrots are primarily green in color with yellow underparts and black edging. They have a maroon forehead that lacks the light blue-lilac neck, nape, and crown. Their cheeks and ear coverts are a greenish yellow that lacks the edging which is present throughout most of their body. The primary feathers are dark blue with secondary feathers being green that is tipped with the same dark blue coloring. Their beak, orbital rings, and legs are a palebrown-grey coloring while their irides are amber colored
Lilac-Crowned Amazons are generally a bit smaller than some of the bigger Amazon parrots. They also have a prominent purple plume which covers their forehead and crown which is one of the main things that helps distinguish them from other species. They’re generally a bit more quiet than some of the louder ones, but they don’t necessarily have to be as loud because they can still be told apart rather easily!
Juvenile lilac-crowned amazons are visually similar to their adult counterparts, but they have distinguishable features. Juveniles have irises that are brownish in color, while the irises of adults are a reddish shade of yellow. Also, juvenile amazons have less maroon feathers than adults on their foreheads. The other major difference is the crest; Juveniles don’t exhibit the full adult plumage and don’t grow a mature crest until they reach maturity at about one year of age.
The lilac-crowned amazon’s breeding period is from February to June. Their incubation period is 28 days, as well as their nestling growth period, which lasts for 60 days. LCA’s tend to nest within natural cavities of trees in dry forests. Females have a clutch size ranging from 1-5 eggs on average and lay an average of 1.8 eggs per clutch with a reproductive output of 0.99 young fledgling fledglings per laying female. Ultimately the efforts of reproducing result in 0.70 independent young per egg-laying pair.
Black-Billed Amazon Parrot
The black-billed parrot is a small amazon parrot with a distinctive bill. It can be found in either Jamaica or islands located off the coast of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The black-billed parrot is mostly green with small patches of red on its wing and sometimes flecked on its head. Out of all species in the amazon family, it is the smallest at 25 cm (10 in).
The Black-Billed Amazon (Amazona agilis) is a bird that might not be best suited for urban dwellers. They can screech and emit loud sounds but, in spite of the name, their black beak isn`t the easiest way to identify this particular species. If you like distinguishing colors then you should note that these birds are greenish in color. For people who live in apartments or next to a busy street and can keep up with routine socialization chats then you may find them a fun companion bird to have as they are tolerable of human contact. However, if you are going to travel frequently or if your lifestyle keeps you away from home often then it could result in an unhappy parrot and one who will pine for its owner’s return!
Distribution and Food
The black-billed Amazon is a bird native to Jamaica that can be found living in mountainous areas with lots of fruit trees. They will eat anything from mangos and papayas to cucumbers and even wild fruits such as oranges, mangoes, cherries, and star apples.
Threats to Black-billed Amazon Parrot
The black-billed amazon was once as common as the yellow-billed amazon, but due to deforestation and hurricane damage they are becoming much rarer. Sometimes they are poached for food and were even popularized as pets a few years ago.
Lilacine Amazon Parrot
The Lilacine Amazon parrot is the strongest and most affectionate of all Amazons. With strong connections to other Red Lored Amazons, however, it’s quite noisy! Until their recent classification as a separate species from Red Lored Amazons due to certain morphological differences in coloration and minor behavioral differences, they were simply known as “Amazons”.
The lilacine amazon parrot is a small sized animal, about 34 cm in length when fully grown. This species comes from the parrot family and is also known by other names such as the lilac-crowned amazon or Perrin’s amazon (because of St. George Jackson Mivart). It is a bright green colored bird with black beak and lilac tipped feathers on its crown.
The diet of a lilacine amazon includes fruits, nuts, berries, and seeds. Like most parrots, it possesses a powerful beak. This beak is tapered with a hooked tip ideal for opening tight grip food such as berries or figs. It also has a long tongue used to consume food too far away to grab onto with its strong feet and claws.
Though the limacine amazon parrot may have a long lifespan, they reach sexual maturity at 3 or 4 years of age. Like many birds, the lilacine amazon is monogamous and cavity-nests. The female will lay two to four eggs and incubate them for around 3 weeks before they hatch; the babies will leave their nest 2 months after hatching.
Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot
The turquoise-fronted parrot is also called Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot, perhaps one of the most prominent species found in the South American Amazon jungle. They can be easily identified by the distinctive turquoise marking above their beaks. Generally, turquoise fronts are bright green or blue on their upper bodies with a lighter underbelly. They also have yellow faces that contrast nicely against their dark eyes.
Amazona turquoise-fronted amazon is the green parrot about 15 inches long. Their foreheads are blue and yellow feathers on their face and crown. There is no overt sexual dimorphism with humans; redbreast, green body color. A bustle of blue near the forehead, extending from the beak as well as a single eye-ring, of which size varies among individual birds.
The cheek below which is situated ear coverts have white feathers and dark gray to black feather tips resulting in almost absent tails while the lores in both sexes have a dark gray to black that makes it look very small especially when it is seen flying.
Behavior and Toys
The blue-fronted amazon, also known as the blue-headed parrot, is commonly found in South America. These birds seem to have a natural ability to speak and their aptitude for it can vary greatly from one bird to another. While some are able to mimic nearly word-for-word with other family members, they also must be given enough cause and desire.
This can be achieved through continuous interaction and play as well as toy novelty or just simply playing around with them often. They require a lot of attention but aren’t too demanding when it comes down to aggressiveness. Pets need quite a bit of toys and things to do so that they don’t get bored easily or develop unnatural behaviors like harming themselves out of boredom. They need perches, climbing opportunities, and plenty of activities besides food!
The blue-fronted amazon resides in tree cavities. They lay white eggs that measure about 38 × 30 mm and normally range in number from three to five. Incubation of the eggs lasts for about 27 days and chicks leave the nest after around 60 days of hatching.
Where to Buy Amazon Parrot?
Most of Species of Amazon parrots are in Extinct or Extreme threatened due to illegal smuggling or trafficking. Amazon Parrots buy and sale are ban on internationally.
If you’re interested in purchasing a Amazon Parrot, contact local bird breeders to see if you can schedule a visit with them and their birds. Though you may find an Amazon bird at your local PetSmart, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a healthy, authentic specimen there. And regardless of where you do find the parrot that seems right for you, it’s important that you know they come from various places around the world depending on the exact species.
For example, Congo Amazons are found deep in the dark forest regions of Africa as opposed to Carribean Amazons who nest in the dense palm trees along Caribbean coastlines – it’s important that bird owners have a general understanding about their new pet bird before bringing them home for long periods of time and getting to know each other because if this doesn’t happen chances are it won’t end up working out.
Before buying a double yellow-headed Amazon from a bird store or breeder, check out animal shelters or even see if there are any rescue centers in your area that might have one for sale. You can use online resources to point you in the right direction of breeders or rescuers :
- Birds Now
- Adopt A Pet
- Bird Breeders
Amazon parrots are an unforgettable addition to any home or family. They’re loyal and social, sharing their emotions with a variety of sounds including squeals that can be quite loud in some cases! But don’t worry, they’re smart – almost human in some cases – so you can teach them not to scream as much. Just give it time and be patient. However, when your parrot does decide to scream for attention, you have no-one else to blame but yourself!

Bird Enthusiast
Masters in Counseling & Data Sciences
University of Maryland
Professional Parrots, Pigeons Breeder and Keeper